A little bit about what makes me tick and the unique perspective I bring to the workplace.


Sports have always been a huge part of my life, and I bring the athlete’s mindset to all I do. In my early years, I fell in love with skiing and competed on Palisade’s Big Mountain ski team. Growing up with the influence of adventure sport helped me cultivate a sense of fearlessness, which I rely on to navigate any challenge that comes my way. From there, I went on to play NCAA DI volleyball in college. Participating in collegiate athletics was a very foundational experience for me— I learned how to work hard and be a leader. My latest obsession is rollerskating, which I picked up during the pandemic. I am a park and jam skater, and love the sport’s feeling of flow and creative expression.


The natural world has always been a huge source of inspiration for me. In addition to my creative studies, in college, I studied environmental science and lead a local campus eco-activism group. You can always count on me for niche knowledge on rocks, animals, plants, and fungi. I’m passionate about all things sustainability (especially vegetariansim), and have been lucky enough to work on a few creative & marketing projects centered around sustainability within the past few years.


I love all things art, design, and culture. In addition to being an avid maker (check out my personal samples for more information), I love cultivating a sense of personal style, through fashion and interior design (check out this mosaic table I made recently). I love bold colors and patterns, and self-identify as a maximalist. In addition to loving to create art, I also love to discuss it- I’ve always had a strong sense of what is empircally good branding, writing, art, marketing, film, etc. I love a spirited creative discussion and am a sucker for good criticism.

Additionally, I love to think about art, design, and culture on a global scale. My dad is an immigrant from Kenya, and I have close family on five out of seven continents. I have EU citizenship, and speak Spanish decently well. I grew up in a very global household, and bring that with me through all my endeavors.